Guide To Essential Oils

Finding the right essential oil is the basis to your new aromatherapy routine,
which will do wonders to improve your health in a 100% natural way.
These oils help plants survive the environment,
and some have extremely high anti-infection,
antiseptic and anti-viral properties that we can benefit from.

But, with more than 90 essential oils on the market to choose from,
how to find the right one for each case?
You also may be asking yourself: are there any essential oils near me?
Let us help you understand essential oils with this 1001 Remedies guide:

Lavender Oil 

Coming from vast, peaceful and strongly scented lavender fields, this is the king among relaxing essential oils, and an alternative to sleeping pills. It has proven its kingship by being a very powerful tool in treating insomnia, anxiety and stress.

It is extracted from the buds of the flowers of the lavender plant and has a relaxing component that makes it suitable as a pain reliever, antidepressant and to help with hypertension. It also works as a remedy for asthma, migraines and skin irritation.

Tea Tree Oil  

This essential oil comes from the leaves of the tea tree and has been used for many centuries to help skin problems by the Australian aborigines. It can be used as an antiseptic for bacterial and viral ailments, and as an ointment to heal wounds. It has immunity boosting properties used against fatigue.

It is also very popularly used as an acne treatment and for other skin imperfections. If you’re looking for a natural teeth whitening, tea tree oil is the best among natural remedies for dental hygiene!

Ravintsara Oil

We use this exotic aromatherapy oil coming from the leaves of ravintsara plant in Madagascar because it has miraculous properties when protecting your body from viruses such as tonsillitis and flu.

It also boosts your immune system and can serve as a muscle relaxant. In addition to its healing power, it has such a refreshing, soft smell that it quickly earns one of the top spots when it comes to our favourite natural fragrances.

Cinnamon Oil 

When deep dry skin shows up and you find nothing to soothe that itching sensation, cinnamon oil can be the answer. It has a profound calming effect on the skin, and facilitates blood circulation and can relieve headaches.

When you have bronchitis, cold or the flu, try cinnamon oil as it can help improve breathing, something it feels we take for granted when our noses aren’t blocked. Another added benefit of using it, especially when sick is that cinnamon oil also kills 99.99% of germs!

Rosemary Oil 

The favorite essential oil among those who are looking to stimulate their hair growth. It’s also very effective to reduce headaches, helping digestion and boosting the immune system.

It’s very suitable for all respiratory infections, before they appear, while they are there and as a protection when they’re gone.

Palmarosa Oil 

Having issues with your digestion? Maybe palmarosa oil is the answer for you. It is commonly used to reduce fever, because of its antiviral and antibacterial components. It also has been proven to be very powerful against bacterial infections.

It is the best to treat skin problems such as acne, eczema and bedsores. And, curious fact, it is a natural alternative to deodorant, even to the most powerful: it reduces transpiration and prevents the development of bad smells.

Peppermint Oil 

Peppermint oil is widely used in the food, cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries. It’s the favorite for those suffering from digestive problems, such as nausea, and also stimulates the pancreas. Peppermint oil helps flush out the toxins from our body, making it a very good detox treatment.

This essential oil can be used for colds and flu, especially to decongest the nose. It doesn’t stop there, peppermint oil is a commonly used oil by athletes and people actively playing sports as it helps reduce muscle soreness. It’s also a natural alternative to prevent bad breath, among many other properties.

Eucalyptus Oil 

Do you know that annoying feeling of a stuffy nose when having a tough cold in winter? We’ve all been there. Eucalyptus oil, which comes from the eucalyptus tree leaves, a favourite snack of the koalas, is very efficient decongestant. It has been the staple ingredient of many remedies against sore throats and colds on the market for years.

It’s also very reliable for asthma and a known essential oil for cough and respiratory infections. We have included this oil in our PurAir so you can spray it around your house for its therapeutic benefits.

Myrrh Oil 

A biblical element, myrrh is one of the oldest known aromatic substances, mentioned as far back as 4,000 years. It was an ingredient highly held by Egyptian priests who used it as an ingredient for religious ceremonies, fumigations and embalming.

It has a cooling and soothing effect as well as astringent properties on mucous membranes as well as anti-microbial properties, which makes it ideal for the treatment of wounds and artificial skin imperfections. This is why it is a central element of our skin perfector, the Magic Skin.

If you want to read more about aromatherapy and learn further about essential oils download our eBook for free! B
onus Content: Essential oil recipes that so you can start practicing right away!

*Please note that some essential oils like ylang ylang, peppermint or tea tree
used in large quantities can be harmful for cats and dogs. Ask your veterinarian first.